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kama manas

Female. Lives in CA, United States. 33 years old. Is in a relationship.
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kama manas
Had to share these beautiful shots. I will probably pick these tonight. Second flush of the mazatapecs.
9 people like this.
Impressive shots! What kind of camera and resolution does it offer?
Like December 19, 2020
kama manas
I just used my phone camera. Its a OnePlus 7T. I believe the camera is 48MP.
Like December 19, 2020
Nice resolution. My iPhone has moments when it gives me great shots, but I think it’s about done operation wise. It’s a good thing, otherwise I’d be flooding this app with more pictures!
Like December 19, 2020
kama manas
First flush of the second mazatapec cake from the humidity chamber. Also got two spore prints. Def gonna keep these babies goin.
9 people like this.
Those are huge
Like December 11, 2020
The best maz fruits I’ve gotten so far..
Like December 11, 2020
kama manas
Does anyone here have an autoimmune disease that psychedelics helps you with? I'm being seen by a rheumatologist right now that thinks i might have systemic lupus erythematous and im wondering what ki... View More
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kama manas
shared a few photos
First harvest from the humidity chamber! Yay!
52 people like this.
This just killed out every cake I’ve ever made. Very nice work. The force is strong with this one too
Like December 8, 2020
Bravo! Gorgeously grown! Keep them coming!
Like December 8, 2020
I can’t get over this one... gawwwd it’s perfect *screenshot*
Like December 8, 2020
Joey Green
Ive never been a "cake guy" ...... but even my inexperienced eyes can tell thats a phenomenal job!
Like December 8, 2020
kama manas
Blue meanies from the SGFC coming in nice!
30 people like this.
Ive always been confused about this, could you help clear it up for me? I was always under the impression that blue meanies were panoleous cyancies? Isnt what you have pictured a strain of cubensis ?
Like December 6, 2020
A few years ago when i was first getting familiar with wild foraging ect i had an extremely tough time trusting info on blue meanies and cyancies as most people were seemingly confusing blue meanies for cubes and cyans for the inactive field mushrooms
Like December 6, 2020 Edited
Like December 7, 2020
What i have made from the confusion is there are three types commonly confused. Panoleus cyancies called natal super meanies. A variery of psilocybe cubensis called natal super strength. And psilocybe natalensis. All three come from natal but all three very different.
Like December 7, 2020
kama manas
Maza update! laughing.gif
25 people like this.
Add pre wet 50/50 coir/verm into the lids u have your cakes setting on. Just make sure it is nice and wet before placing your cake on it. This is call “bottom watering”, it works wonders ✌
Like December 6, 2020 Edited
kama manas
The Humidity Chamber is starting to show positive results! The Mazatapecs are pinning beautifully! The PE & GT are not pinning quite yet, but I'm hoping they will follow suit soon! I'm so happy to see... View More
5 people like this.
kama manas
Ive never grown the PEs before so its new territory for me, i mighr end up doing a grow bag if they dont like the HC.
Like December 3, 2020
Thanks for sharing all the photos! I am going to be making agar plates of Mazatapec soon, I think I'll use this tek since they seem to be doing so well
Like December 3, 2020
kama manas
Mini harvest from the SGFC, it's kinda seeming like the rest of the pins have stalled though... sad.gif
20 people like this.
The stalled pins or "aborts" are the strongest ones. Yummy!
Like November 30, 2020
Yess I eat my aborts fresh in a pb&j sandwich!!
Like November 30, 2020 Edited
Roland I couldn't agree more! The strongest and most meaningful trip I've ever had was from 1.3 grams of pins. Im talking whisker-sized filaments from a third flush so 1.3g was probably 30-40 pins. Mind blowing trip that just kept peaking. Lots of personal break throughs, long story short I was able... View More
Like December 1, 2020
If misting try to lay off abit. GJ BTW
Like December 1, 2020
kama manas
kama manas
Just started a humidity chamber for the first time. Im hoping for good results. The SGFC is still doing well. Added some more GTs and Blue Meanies to the SGFC. This tub consists of a Pink Buffalo, a G... View More
22 people like this.
Good deal! Looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you!
Like November 25, 2020
Love the humidity chamber idea...mateah is a pf cake king! Great work
Like November 30, 2020
Do you hace follow up pics? In gonna try this tek myself.
Like December 6, 2020
You want better moisture retention, opt for perlite. I am digging that setup! No luck needed, you got this lady! Keep us posted!
Like December 6, 2020
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