Mycology ยป Psilocybin
December 9, 2020
Trip Report: Down the Rabbit hole
-This is only my second time dealing with magic ???? I've done reserch and talked with people, but everything I thought I knew was nothing compared to my second trip were I truly learned a few lesson. Getting 10g of golden teachers from a trusted source, my freinds and I were really excited about our surf trip. We were going to take them driving back from my freinds, park across the st then walk to the beach and surf from there. Me wanting to go one step more I took 4g right away and then another .5g shortly after (yes, not very smart) 10mins later is when I started to feel my mind letting go and thoughts dissapearing, the trees and sky were slowly gaining more vibrant colors. I decided we needed to get to our spot on the beach on the dunes with a amazing view of the coast soon. As we got closer everything was becoming sureal and everything felt fake and more alive, I remembered seeing a lady meditating and freaking out thinking she was pranking me. Finally reach our spot in the shade watching the ocean waves crash I layed on the ground. At that point the cosmic waves hit me like a freight train "buy the ticket take the ride" My freind sitting across me was mumbling as the world fluctuated and pulsed. The sand started to pulsate and breath, flowing toward the ocean like a continuous stream. plants around me changed colors deep and violent hues like a camilian. Speech at this point because too difficult, communication in genral. Unable to move I layed there probably looking like I was dead as the world turned into fractiles of complex shapes. It didn't matter if my eyes were open or closed at one point images in my mind and reality blended into one. At that point my freind mentioned about wanting it to end so I glanced at my watch and time really didnt make and sence to me. The hours turned into seconds and the seconds into hours. As I was laying there focusing on the beauty and my breath I noticed the sky split into octagon panels and this I suppose spirit that had thousands of eyes was closely watching me while getting really close. Best I can describe it was like a human playing with a kitten, really curious and no sence of personal space. A school of other spirits visted me and swarmed around my body, it felt like they were welcoming me back. They suddenly vanished and this is when it sort of wemt down hill and I eas trapped in my own head. Two nomes appeared on the dunes across me and starter laughing, I thought they were laughing with me became them laughing at me. And onother spirit came by that put me in my place. Basically this evil spirt and nomes beat my mental ass for what seemed like an eternity. Telling me I would never be in control of this trip and it would end when they said it would. Weather I took .5g or 4g to respect them and not treat this as some fun game to visit as I please. It was pretty intense but I was set at excepting everything and going with it because at this point I really didn't have a choice. The whole time this is happening the sand is breathing harder and harder and the world is becoming fractals or pure shapes and colors. People walked by became alien like and frightening. After that more time went by of me dieing over and over again, my breathing felt non existent but I new it was happening. The evil spirit was laughing at me jesturing he could take away my self identy at any time. 2 hours go by and my freind comes back for me and my speech is slowly coming back. We walk along the shoreline back in line to a tree where I climb pretty high up and find a perfecy nook that cradled me perfectly. Thoughts of anything were nothing as I slowly existed only in the now. The tree bark swirling and spinning. Nothing esle to much happened after this besides me being at one and living in the now true peace and existence. A lot of lessons learned and a experience I will tradition into following days. That's it! Feel free to comment!
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Trip Report: Down the Rabbit hole -This is only my second time dealing with magic ???? I've done reserch and talked with people, but everything I thought I knew was nothing compared to my second trip ... View More