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Johnny trips

Male. Lives in United Kingdom. Born on November 22, 1997.
About Me
Guess my online note book for my trips enjoy!
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Johnny trips
What's the recommended wait time for the next acid trip? My last trip was 1100ug so was bit of a high dose I was thinking 3 weeks break before going again
Johnny trips
Lsd and mdma
Do I take the lsd first then the md or do both at the same time ?
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Like December 28, 2023
That's the new term coin it now
Like December 28, 2023
I will, already got a design in the works for merch.
Like December 28, 2023 Edited
That actually sounds amazing
Like December 28, 2023
Johnny trips
Anyone got ideas for me while I'm on Lucy planning to take 1100ug but my gf isn't gonna be on anything and she gonna trip sit me but I wanted stuff to do together that's still fun for her. Don't... View More

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Sex is always a fun trip
Like December 16, 2023
Johnny trips
We did that on our anniversary together was the best. But thankyou ill fit that in during the day lol
Like December 16, 2023
Johnny trips
Hey everyone I need some advice;
Been wanting to do deemZ for like a month and a half now, while I'm at work I'm thinking about doing it in the evening and feel fully up for it. I ask my gf if she can ... View More

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Lord have mercy and be safe…
Like December 16, 2023
Johnny trips
I do wanna Try a bong doing it but I don't wanna waste any if I fail the bong from coughing
Like December 17, 2023
Johnny trips
Yeah first time doing the pipe by myself was a struggle but tomorrow got a mate coming over so I'm gonna show him how to do it and give him his first trip with deemz. Trail and error
Like December 17, 2023
Johnny trips
Like December 18, 2023
Johnny trips
1000ug- 17 hours- Alice in wonderland.
can't go wrong
Johnny trips
Werid question
Do glasses have a effect on visuals?
I always trip without my glasses on I always feel like there blocking the visual from fully coming on when wearing them
It is just me or anyone else's... View More

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Johnny trips
@saidar I've only noticed it with mushrooms, dmt I can wear glasses but again I perfer to not wear them for comfort reasons aha but thankyou for the feed back interesting to see people's experiences
Like October 28, 2023
Johnny trips
@gaia it's crazy how it all works I didn't know being on the spectrum can affect visuals. Thankyou for ur feedback it's appreciated guess I gonna try my glasses on and see how things go...I'll probab forget I'm wearing them 2 hours in lol
Like October 28, 2023
Videos having problems with the discord app? It comes across as read only.
Like October 28, 2023
I am also in the needs glasses at all times camp, and wearing them causes me a bit of eyestrain. I tend to notice the eyestrain more when on a trip. One notable effect I have experienced with DMT, which lasts for only a few minutes as the experience close to over, is my that vision seems perfect wit... View More
Like October 28, 2023
Johnny trips
Weekend trip is gonna be L$D with the GF for our anniversary because we done it last year together and we ended up telling eachother how we felt towards eachother.
Looking forward to it!!!
Hope everyon... View More

Johnny trips
Decided to get myself a 2:1 deems vape
So far not to bad but freebase is defo the way
But handy to have a introduction feeling to it in my pocket ready to use when I'm ready
Have a bless weekend!!!
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How long do you hold your hits for? I always exhale all the air out and then inhale until either my lungs are full or the vape blinks. Then I'll hold my hit for 8-10 secs and then repeat. I've had success breaking through with just 3 hits. Although I've had tried using a dab rig and omg. One hit bre... View More
Like October 24, 2023
Johnny trips
I hold in for 30 secs at least or as long as I can hold it for, exhale catch my breathe them pull till the light blinks. Repeat that 3/4 times or till my body can't inhale anymore I do perfer freebase feel like it's more intense it's hard to say but for me I feel like the vape mimics what free bas... View More
Like October 24, 2023
Johnny you should try taking the oil out of the pod and using it with a dab rig
Like October 24, 2023
Johnny trips
I would but I don't wanna risk breaking it and I need to get a dab ring too aha
Like October 25, 2023
Johnny trips
Follow up from my trip last night as the day has gone on I keep thinking about it
I think I met my creator last night I felt like I was observing my view with my creator I felt like a orb, a spirit I... View More

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