I'm around bro.
I stay on the grind man... Things are things... I'm trying to be bigger than some shit that cast a helluva shadow. I don't know if I can. I don't know how it's all going to turn out. But I'm still trying.
Working shift wrecks my sleep, and I'm on nights this week. I don't get on alot. But I ran a 40lb sack of grain last night and I'm getting ready to fire up the PC... hopefully have some jars nocced up tomorrow evening.
I'm hanging tuff bro, it's just this last thin fuckin thread gets tired and tatt... View MoreWorking shift wrecks my sleep, and I'm on nights this week. I don't get on alot. But I ran a 40lb sack of grain last night and I'm getting ready to fire up the PC... hopefully have some jars nocced up tomorrow evening.
I'm hanging tuff bro, it's just this last thin fuckin thread gets tired and tattered sometimes
Her and I really have turned a page recently and things are getting much better between us. Life's not perfect and there's plenty for us both to fuss about, but we are working together and meshing with one another. It's no small improvement. I appreciate you checking in JP. It's nice to know that I ... View MoreHer and I really have turned a page recently and things are getting much better between us. Life's not perfect and there's plenty for us both to fuss about, but we are working together and meshing with one another. It's no small improvement. I appreciate you checking in JP. It's nice to know that I have friends I haven't met that know the struggle. Mush Love bro