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Red Pill For Men
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Psychology and Philosophy
Turn the other cheek or act like a mirror? Those philosophies can certainly create different behavior.
I’m starting to think Jesus realized his own approach was bullshit with his cries of self pity as ... View More

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Jesus also had a lot of siblings. I always thought it was possible that one of his brothers stepped in his place.
Like October 5, 2022
I post on here when I’m triggered. Imma check out for awhile. Feels like I need something to believe in other than myself at times.
Like October 5, 2022
I have a toxic POS who used to be my supervisors boss. He is a Production Manager, and he is still in my chain of command even after I transferred out of his department. He doesn't have a gag-reflex. He is the epitome of a "Yes Man." I show respect to people who show me respect. I show blatant disre... View More
Like October 14, 2022 Edited
Not sure if I can reach out directly to JoseyWales. Just want to send my thoughts and prayers. Be good to hear from u..
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CaLi Uso
Like August 22, 2022
I'm around bro. I stay on the grind man... Things are things... I'm trying to be bigger than some shit that cast a helluva shadow. I don't know if I can. I don't know how it's all going to turn out. But I'm still trying.
Like August 23, 2022
Working shift wrecks my sleep, and I'm on nights this week. I don't get on alot. But I ran a 40lb sack of grain last night and I'm getting ready to fire up the PC... hopefully have some jars nocced up tomorrow evening. I'm hanging tuff bro, it's just this last thin fuckin thread gets tired and tatt... View More
Like August 23, 2022
Her and I really have turned a page recently and things are getting much better between us. Life's not perfect and there's plenty for us both to fuss about, but we are working together and meshing with one another. It's no small improvement. I appreciate you checking in JP. It's nice to know that I ... View More
Like September 22, 2022 Edited
Lockbit infected our system at work. I’m working from home with absolutely nothing I can do being locked out of my work computer. Imma hit the dab rig and go for a bike ride. Yay! Go hackers!
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We ran out of cheese yesterday at work and had to close early! An unexpected day off is always welcome lol
Like June 27, 2022
This morning my 10 yr old daughter saw a shadowy tentacle (her description) coming from the bathroom closet while she was getting ready for school. This sorta thing will happen on occasion which freak... View More
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Yes, my kids have been thru a lot over the past couple years. A little over a year ago my exwife moved out and filed for divorce which finalized about 6 months ago. I have 3 daughters whom have each had their own struggles thru this process, my youngest who was 7 at the time seemed to take it the ha... View More
Like December 16, 2021
I think that's the best you can do. Even if it doesn't sound too good, but she'll have to go thue that herself and fix it herself. And you will be always there for her with support and love. Love is always the key 2665.png I didn't had that so it wasn't easy for me to fix all the problems i had. And your ... View More
Like December 16, 2021
I would sit in the room with my child in the dark showing him that’s not real letting them explore their imagination with you sitting there in the safety of their mother. Fear nothing my little one for mom is here
Like December 16, 2021
I can empathize with you. I suffered from sleep paralysis alot as a kid and have seen uncomfortable stuff. Makes sense why I became a psychonaut as i hit my 20's. Whenever my dog barks it is either the Shadow people or Ganesh again. I already know they have been in my house and Buddha to. Actually V... View More
Like June 12, 2022 Edited
The company i work for announced today they are reinstating a mask policy and will be requiring employees who are customer facing or travel to be vaccinated. Im gonna file this new policy right next t... View More
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Straight to the trash!
Like July 30, 2021
Hope luck is on your side im thankful drug testing isnt very popular in my part of canada
Like July 31, 2021
Thank God I work outside. Sorry for all y'all that have to suffer through the stupidity. My wife left her job in a doctor's office, and finally can take the muzzle off at her new job. This mask shit isn't new. They did the same thing during the Spanish flu. There are patterns here for anyone who car... View More
Like July 31, 2021
Keep your mind focused on everything positive you can. If loosing your job is what's the universe is requiring to keep yourself attained in your beliefs, so let it be. The universe will always reward the ones capable to overcome fear in order to follow their feelings and will probably be saving some... View More
Like November 11, 2021
Im sitting with mother aya this weekend and imma change the fuckin world!… probably just a little bit tho smile.gif Forgive my enthusiasm if its triggering, I am but a child.
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If you change yourself, that is a change to the world. We are not powerless helpless bystanders. We are ALL the actors of history. Your internal changes manifest in your behavior, and your behavior directly effects our world. So PLEASE help us change the world
Like June 24, 2021
Hope you find what you need! Stay safe
Like June 24, 2021
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