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DMT World News
Here we go again. Get the honor of being with someone on their first L trip.
20 people like this.
Like April 28, 2020
Damn 4 hits is a lot for a first trip!
Like April 28, 2020
I love introducing people to psychedelics. I gave a bunch of people their 1st psychedelics back in Seattle. My preferred drugs for 1st time nervous explorers were 4-HO-MET & 4-HO-MiPT, there seemed to be less “issues” with those compounds in particular.
Like April 28, 2020
He took 3 (:
Like April 29, 2020
Hope you are all having a great day
22 people like this.
If u go on my page youll see a pic of her on the beach... best picture ever. Took the pic mid sneeze xD
Like April 3, 2020
Im gonna go join it now thanks
Like April 3, 2020
Lovely pooch, looks real smart. See in the Furry trip sitters group!
Like April 3, 2020
Guyver III
Mans best friend indeed. Its been proven scientifically that dogs can sniff who's a good or bad person. Of course i already knew this
Like April 4, 2020
Do you think i could sell paintings like this on the dmt marketplace? Thinking about picking painting back up. Btw i was like 12/13 when i painted this one so itd be less childish and more complex.
18 people like this.
Thats pretty good for only 12-13, i can only imagine what you can do now
Like March 26, 2020
I like him a lot reminds me of the little guy that always greets me at the beginning of my DMT trips that’s like hey you’re gonna have a fun time let’s go for a trip
Like March 26, 2020
Rex Fireworks
If you really believe, anything is possible.
Like April 6, 2020
Thats really cool looks like a painting like that would be a ton of fun to paint cant wait to see what else u paint if u do!
Like April 6, 2020
So the other night i let this "woman" come in MY house and hit the deem. She hit it and pissed all over my couch. She continued to call me and MY man demonic as she said she "blessed" my couch. The ni... View More
6 people like this.
And jillibeans1111 she was on amphetamine and alcohol, we were trying to council her and get things off her back and it ended up with our conclusion that because she has seen so much bad in life it has conditioned her soul to despise the good or that good is a falsehood in her perspective. She was p... View More
Like March 25, 2020
And that blessing her porch thing is funny as fuck!
Like March 25, 2020
Funny as fuck from my perspective probably not your perspective, regardless thanks for sharing
Like March 25, 2020
So after many laughs and some scrubbing, i dont regret it. I get to say i tried(:
Like March 25, 2020
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18 people like this.
The "trip man" nom nom
Like March 19, 2020
Lets see what happens
22 people like this.
Aye thanks im boutta put that on havent seen that yet
Like March 19, 2020
Fever dream
Enjoy 1f642.png
Like March 20, 2020
Are those 1p-lsd tabs? Ilove that shit
Like March 20, 2020
Strangely i always enjoyed watching Natural Born Killers, Full Metal Jacket and Scar Face on acid. And Fandango and Easy Rider and Nightmare on Elm Street 3... which is hilarious while frying... damn i watched a lot of movies on acid. I loved how you felt engaged with the movie almost like you were ... View More
Like March 20, 2020
Meet zoey!(:
19 people like this.
Awwww hey Zoey.
Like March 16, 2020
Did zoey just hit the nitrous balloon
Like March 16, 2020
We have a group for our 4 legged friends, furry trip sitters, come and join
Like March 16, 2020
Sweetness personified!
Like March 16, 2020
Anybody know a good kratom vendor? Looking for online ordering with shipping as fast as possible. Trying to stock up before mailing is cut off via coronavirus.
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Cr1ms0nGh0st they are out of Florida they're the only place I buy from. I'm on the east coast so standard shipping is still relatively quick. They have quality product
Like March 14, 2020
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