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Status Update

So the other night i let this "woman" come in MY house and hit the deem. She hit it and pissed all over my couch. She continued to call me and MY man demonic as she said she "blessed" my couch. The ni... View More
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And jillibeans1111 she was on amphetamine and alcohol, we were trying to council her and get things off her back and it ended up with our conclusion that because she has seen so much bad in life it has conditioned her soul to despise the good or that good is a falsehood in her perspective. She was p... View More
Like March 25, 2020
And that blessing her porch thing is funny as fuck!
Like March 25, 2020
Funny as fuck from my perspective probably not your perspective, regardless thanks for sharing
Like March 25, 2020
So after many laughs and some scrubbing, i dont regret it. I get to say i tried(:
Like March 25, 2020