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Male. Lives in Washington DC, Virginia, United States. Born on October 20, 2000. Is single.
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Just got this app just looking to find friends who are fellow psychonauts
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Psychedelics » DMT
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I think everyone here would like this show. This dude clancy has an interdeimenional podcast in his universe simulator and goes into deep conversations with his guests about dmt, drugs, the universe, ... View More
19 people like this.
I just saw it last night its great
Like April 27, 2020
Jay Pickles
Just finished it this morning, I'll definitely be watching it again because I already miss it. The last episode is so fuckin beautiful and was something I really needed.
Like April 27, 2020
Its a great show, gonna rewatch during a trip!!
Like April 27, 2020
I think its a good time piece for this generation. Psychedelic renasiance and ai all that. It can be too much talking to follow sometimes especially since they go through all different topics but if u like things like podcasts its perfect
Like April 27, 2020
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Just got this guy. Will be sure to review this once i get a chance to use it.
14 people like this.
havent made it yet but i have 100 gs mhrb coming so however much that yeilds ill have hopefully that lasts awhile
Like April 12, 2020
Free Spirit
Ryan did you also get one of those concentrate pads from the vaporgenie website? They make vaping DMT in this pipe much easier, it holds the DMT as it melts so it doesn't just melt through your screens. Don't get to so caught in trying to make your first time perfect, because it is a hard thing to ... View More
Like April 13, 2020
thanks ur right ill try smaller doses first to get a feel. And no i just checked the website and they are out of the concentrate pads maybe ill make something like it out of some steel mesh or something if they dont restock.
Like April 13, 2020
kyngwhatt yeah it should work with changa as well. And im gonna do a simple A/B
Like April 13, 2020
Im planning on my first dmt experience soon. Ive been waiting for years and i think ill be able to soon. Any advice as to what i should vaporize the freebase with? Would a vape pen be a good option be... View More
1 person likes this.
@buzzbuzz how do u fill up the carts?
Like April 10, 2020
The yucan doesnt have carts. You put the freebase dmt directly in the ceramic donut coil ( looks like a little bowl. ).
Like April 10, 2020
***ego-death rig!
Like April 10, 2020
I use the GordoTek DreamMaker Tool or just your good ole oil burner aka “crack pipe.”
Like April 10, 2020
How many people do u need to make a church. Could we theoretically start one for legal safe use of dmt?
11 people like this.
Hailey Nicole
Sooooo... if this church were made and it had a following, are we allowed to side step laws because its my RELIGION TO USE PSYCHEDELICS!? Lol Separation of church and state!?
Like April 13, 2020
Hailey Nicole Im pretty sure that's how it works.
Like April 13, 2020
The Mushroom Man
I've been wondering this myself. I'm an ordained dudeist priest (whatever that means, man) but I have been wanting a psychedelic church of some sort. Count me in if you get one going.
Like April 13, 2020
Id never join any club that would accept me as a member.
Like April 13, 2020
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My bible
26 people like this.
@dpsoffgrid Free pdfs are a blessing for sure
Like April 2, 2020
I just made a post with the link for the pdf of this book
Like April 3, 2020
Hailey Nicole
GREAT Book!!! Ahhh Im so jealous Ive only rented it a ton from my library 2665.png I really need to buy it 1f600.png
Like April 4, 2020
Hailey I posted a link for the pdf, go get it!
Like April 4, 2020
Just got this app so I want to introduce myself. Im 19 and am fascinated by psychopharmacology and was hoping to find others who are interested as I am, especially if your in the DC area, would love t... View More
10 people like this.
Hey @Ryan, welcome to the app! You’ll love it here. Lot of great folk. Great having you onboard!
Like March 30, 2020
Welcome I am just like you brother bear. This is the place to be fellow Psychonaut
Like March 31, 2020
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