on April 27, 2020
I think everyone here would like this show. This dude clancy has an interdeimenional podcast in his universe simulator and goes into deep conversations with his guests about dmt, drugs, the universe, meditation the whole shabang.
Dimension: 828 x 794
File Size: 344.9 Kb
19 people like this.
I just saw it last night its great
Like April 27, 2020
Jay Pickles
Just finished it this morning, I'll definitely be watching it again because I already miss it. The last episode is so fuckin beautiful and was something I really needed.
Like April 27, 2020
Its a great show, gonna rewatch during a trip!!
Like April 27, 2020
I think its a good time piece for this generation. Psychedelic renasiance and ai all that. It can be too much talking to follow sometimes especially since they go through all different topics but if u like things like podcasts its perfect
Like April 27, 2020