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Male. Lives in saskatoon, Canada. Born on August 16, 1989. Is in a relationship.
Lively Liquid Culture
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hi everyone
4 people like this.
Hi how are you?
Like March 4, 2024
Howdy howdy!
Like March 5, 2024
Like March 5, 2024
Wuttup yo. Hope all is well.
Like March 5, 2024
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Happy Halloween from phoenix everyone
10 people like this.
Happy Halloween baby girl and fam!
Like November 2, 2022
Happy Halloween Guys From Phoenix as Mike And Sully. ????☠️????????
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Hey guys been a very long time i hope all is well here is my family a year later after phoenix was born. This is my little man today. ????
14 people like this.
Good looking like his pops.
Like October 28, 2022
Oh my so cutie!
Like October 28, 2022
Thanks guys. Lots of love.
Like October 31, 2022
shared a few photos
Heres my weight loss journey. After going through a seperation and losing everything including seeing my children and losing to best frienda to murder. I have changed my ways from the way i feel to th... View More
19 people like this.
Fuck me that's impressive, I'm so sorry you have gone through such terrible times but if it is making you into who you feel you are inside then at least you have pulled something good from it ✌
Like July 13, 2022
Joey Green
Continue to show the world (and yourself) what your made of!! As long as we avoid identifying and clinging to the trap and easy scapegoat of "victimhood" ..... Our struggles and hardships never get to define us nor dictate whom we truly are ...... unless we willingly accept and embrace that cop-out... View More
Like July 13, 2022 Edited
Please Dj, share what you've been eating and your exercise routine, you look incredible already!!! Keep going!
Like July 14, 2022
Greens chicken fish cut out carbs bread fried food salt sugar all the bad stuff junk food cardio everyday chest and abs. Focus. Discipline. Dedication. Ambition. Thanks guys for those words i love you all!
Like July 14, 2022
Hey fam! Hows everyone doing? As for me back in a dark olace but slowly pulling myself out of the gutter! I recently had two best friends murdered i grew up with these guys. I just hope there journey ... View More
4 people like this.
Nothing but love to you! My deepest condolences for the loss of your friends. Stay strong, family!
Like June 27, 2022
Whats good everybody! Its been a long few months. Miss you all. I am doing great! Aftwr battling covid. Going through a seperation that felt like a fukin divorce. Lol. Bounced back. I am now a full on... View More
14 people like this.
If you wanna mix it up yourself my marketplace listing also has a list and dosage chart thingy. Search Neutrino Mind Sludge if you wanna read more about it. I'll see if i can post the list here.
Like May 31, 2022
Like May 31, 2022
Mostly i just want people trying the stuff. I dont care of you buy it from me. I believe that open minded Intelligient compassionate people functioning optimally will change the world for the better.
Like May 31, 2022
Will this be ok
Like June 1, 2022
Hey guys I just wanted to show my nfts. I bought all of these for my sons and I. So we have phoenix in the tux. Draysen in red fur. Than there’s dad. In a track suit with 3d glasses on. Love my goats!... View More
3 people like this.
Dont get it !?!? Or do i want to … best of luck on thems
Like February 19, 2022
Cool goats
Like February 19, 2022
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