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Male. Lives in saskatoon, Canada. Born on August 16, 1989. Is in a relationship.
Lively Liquid Culture
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Status Update

Whats good everybody! Its been a long few months. Miss you all. I am doing great! Aftwr battling covid. Going through a seperation that felt like a fukin divorce. Lol. Bounced back. I am now a full on... View More
14 people like this.
If you wanna mix it up yourself my marketplace listing also has a list and dosage chart thingy. Search Neutrino Mind Sludge if you wanna read more about it. I'll see if i can post the list here.
Like May 31, 2022
Like May 31, 2022
Mostly i just want people trying the stuff. I dont care of you buy it from me. I believe that open minded Intelligient compassionate people functioning optimally will change the world for the better.
Like May 31, 2022
Will this be ok
Like June 1, 2022