by on July 26, 2020
Not much to report. Used tea Tek for 4 G dried GTs on Thursday, July 23, 2020. My trip was weakened by splitting doses and vomiting (hence the split doses). Still, it was good in that I got to cry a lot of cathartic cries. My tea doesn't turn blue. Why?
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by on July 14, 2020
Background: My last trip was the night that Trump made the big announcement about the COVID-19 pandemic and the USA - so it was March 12th-ish. At any rate, my environment changed majorly as a result, mostly through giving me no alone time until July 6. Though one day sometime in May I was able to take a gram of dried just to keep new neural connections alive or continuing to form, I wasn't able to trip again until Wednesday, July 7, 2020.  It was early in the morning, between 7:00 - 8:00 AM...
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by on April 3, 2020
Amount:  7.5 G of dried mushrooms (variety of cubes: GT, B+, Tropical and Mexican varieties). Method: lemon tek (20 minutes) followed by tea tek (steeped 40 minutes, stirring occasionally). Added natural local honey for taste. ...
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