by on August 11, 2020
This trip took place yesterday, August 9, and was my first trip in four months. I had a rough time sleeping the night prior and only ended up getting around five hours of sleep, but was not willing to let this hold me back. My close friend M agreed to trip sit me so I met up with him at around 8AM. M has no experience with psychedelics, but I politely asked him to watch PsychedSubstance’s trip sitting guide to ensure he had some education on what to expect. We drove up to a redwoods preserve an...
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by on November 7, 2019
Tried close to 10g mostly GT fresh yesterday, with some B+ pins. I got a lot of housework done without feeling overwhelmed like I typically do. I also got to stretch a little, meditate, and mind travel. It helped get me to the core of some issues in my life. I can feel how it's changing the way i think, unraveling knotted thoughts, slowly but steadily showing me the way, much better thought clarity... There's room being made for love to grow.
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