by on December 22, 2020
Dosage .15 same as yesterday been about an hour into taken them but I already feel my third eye awake and new neurons firing and connecting it’s interesting i don’t feel high or anything like that and unlike lsd micro dosing I usually aim around 10 ug this feel like it’s helping my bio polar stay non existent especially Since I’ve been in a bad manic episode last week that was still going on but yay I’m not manic today or at least so far and I had a great day at work last night I’m sure the micro dosage of .15 from yesterday was warn off but I felt like the mushroom was the plain to make me the glider I was gliding by myself I’ve found micro dosing wish lsd can make my manic up worst and last longer but I do believe if I could get the dosage around 2ug-5ug I would have better luck and will try a micro session around that range but I really enjoy the warm glow deep inside me that is in golfing me
Posted in: Psilocybin
Topics: micro dosing
11 people like this.
So what im thinking of doing too is on my days off of micro dosing taken a small hit of dmt to tie the microdose trip and learn all the hidden lesson from the micro dosing i have a dear friend more than a friend but thats not iportant what is is he showed me the third wave movment and got me into mi... View More
Like December 24, 2020
Ive been wanting to experiment with micro L doses but not sure how to start with paper. A 1/4? I took a half of these boomers and me and my gf had an amazing 8hr spiritual experience.. is a 1/4 too much for work? Im sure i should want to know the potency from the source
Like December 24, 2020
@Bianculli_: use volumetric dissolution "The volumetric method is much more precise. It involves submerging a full tab into distilled water and taking small, measured quantities of the water to microdose. To do this, drop a 100ug tab into 10ml of distilled water or alcohol. Leave it for a day or so,... View More
Like December 24, 2020
Interested. Will come back to this soon. Is there somewhere I can subscribe?
Like December 25, 2020