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Male. Lives in Kentucky, United States. Born on December 10, 1997. Is single.
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you base your faith on experience, your faith is
-Ram Dass
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Fuckin acid man.....
For those interested in hearing about the 10 gram mushroom trip which involved losing bladder control , I have now posted a trip report on it. Hahaha it's a bit long but hope yall enjoy!
posted a trip report.
14 people like this.
Wow .. most I’ve done is about 3 .. I salute you
Like July 25, 2019
That was awesome!
Like September 14, 2019
I m waiting for my son in law to get off the river. My daughter is expecting. And I would be useless if anything happened. Im staying in my backyard. It’s hidden from everything. Setting can make or break your experience. I m gonna post a report.
Like September 29, 2019 Edited
i laughed so hard at two things. 1) when you said that you peed all over each other. i think thats hilarious and also kind of sweet at the same time in a gross way cuz yall were happy and idk maybe yall were in love and the fact that you were having this shared experience and then peed on each othe... View More
Like January 13, 2020
This is the song I was listening to on my first breakthrough experience with dmt. I wouldnt have any other song. Enjoy!!
shared a photo
So true hahahaha
9th Dimensional Holy Guru
shared a photo - with Ophiel Anderson and 51 others
Hello Children of Light!
I would love for everyone to please follow this Facebook Page!
Thank you for the warm welcome on DMT world!
9 people like this.
Like July 4, 2019
shared a photo
Icy breeze mint drops. Looks can be decieving!
13 people like this.
Lmaooo exactly. Good disguise. 100 hits of 200ug owsley emerald. Had me rocked last night lol
Like July 4, 2019
Ben Addams
Okay, so like... two total. And without sarcasm, I bet you're super fun at parties.
Like July 4, 2019
I appreciate that. I'm actually quite introverted. Spend a lot my days outside in nature and longboarding just taking it in. But if you find me anywhere it's with a small group of people I love dearly. Those are the times that I appreciate most.
Like July 4, 2019
Ben Addams
Word. I like to think that I'm extroverted enough for you to leave the the fuck alone. But if someone I care about needs some backup? I'm bringing a bag and crashing on your couch.
Like July 4, 2019
created a poll.
10 people like this.
Of course it should. It was being investigated for medical use by Sandoz before even psilocybin.
Like June 22, 2019
It's more natural a substance than most people understand. It might be the most important of all the plant medicines.
Like July 1, 2019
No substance should be illegal, because that’s what makes it dangerous. If someone’s friend OD’s on heroin they shouldn’t be scared of cops showing up when they call for an ambulance
Like July 5, 2019
But don’t do heroin lololol
Like July 6, 2019
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
Who on here would possibly say no?
Like August 30, 2019
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