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Are you gettin the vaciene? Lets talk about it.
8 people like this.
I work with some highly educated morons that can't figure out how to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom... Don't confuse education for intelligence. Or a degree with my inability to give a fuck
Like April 17, 2021
Nope, nope, nope. My immune system is awesome. I almost never get sick. Get plenty of sun every day, drink a gallon of water every day. Eat right and get good sleep. I'll pass on the vaccine/microchip. I don't trust the Pentagon as far as I can see it. Or Gates, or Soros. There's a reason Soros a... View More
Like April 17, 2021
Like April 18, 2021
Its gonna be a no from me.
Like April 19, 2021
A whole bowl of dmt in complete dakrness wish me luck pray ofr the ender gods and all of you
4 people like this.
Fallow up.... well try for yourself 1f609.png
Like April 12, 2021
Bcam1116 google is a unlimited source of informatoin with time effort and research it was more then easy also with a smal understanding if bio chem but that comes with learnig about it
Like April 17, 2021
posted a trip report.
A criritual part of my dmt trip as i held on to relity i am still writing this there is no bad drug or good drug there is human value to witch we m... View More

Spectral dust time to visit the elder gods
9 people like this.
no no i enjoy the coversation, im glad i was able to obtain some crytal form tho i ushally just end up with poweder i may try to re ex it and make just one giant crystal but that woudl take some time
Like March 27, 2021
CaLi Uso
Theres a lot to this art form my brutha, but you’re definitly on the right path. Other then starting material (mhrb/acacia), theres many factors throughout the entire processs that will change the final results... mainly being solvent used and heat temps. When you build your Xtals,... View More
Like March 27, 2021 Edited
Hmmm guess i have some more sciencing to do thank you
Like March 27, 2021
Beautiful. A buddy extracted similar color and it was some of the absolute best quality. Like whoa
Like June 23, 2021
Another few weeks n they will be fully grown
19 people like this.
Joey Green
Truly lookin like some serious potential is about to show itself fully and unapologetically! I bet it smells delish too!
Like March 24, 2021
I hope so and i can smell it from the room its connected to im hopeing for the best form these gals
Like March 24, 2021 Edited
S/o to dab press for makeing amazing presses
Pressed some of my trim and boy howdy was it worth it.
14 people like this.
One day you will
Like March 27, 2021
CaLi Uso
Higher temps = More liquidy rosin Lower temps = Shatter type rosin Material quality will give you different colors.... older material will always give off a dark tint. Golden yummyniss is amazing out of one of these =] pressed rosin at a dispensary for 5 years seen all types of rosin come thru lol... View More
Like March 29, 2021 Edited
Yea but nug smashers were a little out of my price range for the time being
Like March 29, 2021
CaLi Uso
they’re still out of my price range lol, my bossz at the time wanted every new development device that was created at the time... i got similar results from a hair straightener and a clamp. Your setup will defintly come in handy my brutha... put that thing to use!
Like March 29, 2021 Edited
Things ive learnd from my first grow
1. Make sure you set up tellice propely or you will suffer later
2. Try and grow same kinda plant in one tent to help condence space and plan for growth (dont grow ... View More

7 people like this.
Noted and removed from the discription sorry didnt know
Like March 21, 2021
Joey Green
Every single grow will contain lessons, epiphanies and ideas upon how the next grow will be even better! The fun never stops! ..... Thank God!
Like April 14, 2021
“Anyway, im not your shrink im just tryna radiate some good vibes man to man, thats what this puff game used to be about.” - raymond
Moive: the gentlmen
One of the books i recomend to many people.
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