on March 21, 2021
S/o to dab press for makeing amazing presses
Pressed some of my trim and boy howdy was it worth it.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 2.24 Mb
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One day you will
Like March 27, 2021
CaLi Uso
Higher temps = More liquidy rosin Lower temps = Shatter type rosin Material quality will give you different colors.... older material will always give off a dark tint. Golden yummyniss is amazing out of one of these =] pressed rosin at a dispensary for 5 years seen all types of rosin come thru lol... View More
Like March 29, 2021 Edited
Yea but nug smashers were a little out of my price range for the time being
Like March 29, 2021
CaLi Uso
they’re still out of my price range lol, my bossz at the time wanted every new development device that was created at the time... i got similar results from a hair straightener and a clamp. Your setup will defintly come in handy my brutha... put that thing to use!
Like March 29, 2021 Edited