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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Cn som1 please point me un the direction of Santa, The Easter Bunny, Toothfery, ........? We should send this "white privilege" ther....
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Good morning all u wonderful souls, hope u shine 2day! Remember bkind, and smile..... u never know wat might come of it??????
We hv a question Dw..... if som1 says ther a vegan.. but dosent eat vegetables, or real vegetables...... is there another name 4 tht.... bc there should b...... we hadvan encounter w/ a family membe... View More
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Next time remind them that there are families currently whoring their kids for a hot meal in Venezuela and picking garbage out of commercial trash cans just to eat for the day. When people see enough hunger, or are given a visual of real life situations- sometimes it’s raw enough to shake them out o... View More
Like August 3, 2021
Depending on the gender they identify as I'd call them either Goo Man or Goo Woman. https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Goo_Man
Like August 3, 2021
Lol, yeaaaa. It wz a woozfrabaahhh situation..... and i mak a mean fried green tomato w/ coconut shavings..... but every1 is different.... im not the judge,jury or executioner. .
Like August 5, 2021
They dont want your fresh clean vegg the want all that big farm food sprayed with pesticides an fungicides same with weed they just need that dirty dispo weed not good clean home grown cause thats not med weed you grew that lmfco
Like August 21, 2021
Hello DW, hope u r all doin well! Mny changes and new openings r on th horizion.
We c newer paths tht were not available b4.
There is no goal, there is only the path. Stay on the path, the path is the... View More

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Thank you, nice to feel your vibe with us
Like July 21, 2021
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Thank you Panda!!
Awoooooo,...... Dw. Its been a difficult time 4 a meat sac... time is .... complicated, and belief is even worse... faith , lov , kindness. ... there is a explosion of emotion... we like 2 find a plac... View More
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We ran last night, wat a beautiful night!... when the moon is full, it showes u the shadows.... u sould jump in.....awooooooooooooo
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