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Male. Lives in Houston, Texas, United States.
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Civil Engineer, Musician and Radical Mycologist.
I’m a firm believer that sacred medicines will be an... View More
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Beauties <3 this was labeled as “Texas Wild” was picked at the north west of texas close to “Amarillo”, as you see is a leucistic variety>
Look at this beauties :3
9 people like this.
Excellent specimens!
Like April 25, 2021
I got this agar plate, this is a transfer from agar to agar culture, you can see the piece of agar at the rigth, just i wonder how is this place almost fully colonized but so irregular? Seems like isn... View More
2 people like this.
Did the piece of agar bounce around at all? Ive had similar looking growth from the agar making contact with multiple points before getting it where I want. Try to get that fucker right in the middle, on the first shot. Mush love
Like March 19, 2021
Thor Odinson
That shit colonizes everything it touches. Pretty amazing. Looks like u just have some tomentose growth. I see a few rhizomorphic spots already that will make good clean transfers. Good work. Mush luv.
Like March 19, 2021
The transfer rolled around the surface. The spot around 8 o'clock looks ripe for transfer
Like March 19, 2021
This tub its been in colonizing during 9 days, insee sine mycelium but also this other white web like thing, is that contam? Or can be mycelium too?
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Looks like CobWeb mold man. If y9u leave it it will eventually turn black and start sporulating everywhere.
Like March 19, 2021
Don’t forget the meditation
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Like March 14, 2021
CaLi Uso
I feel like i started at the top of those stairs, fell down the stairs with my head hitting each of those steps... after dusting myself off i bunnyhopped right back to the top of it again lol
Like March 14, 2021
This is true. Hopefully most people realize they have to walk back down the stairs. Then back up, then down... forever.
Like March 14, 2021
Most people skip right over spell check and just hit post
Like March 14, 2021
You are the awareness behind the experience, you are not your feelings, you are not your mind, you are not your body, you are way more than just that.
For the Toltec tradition the highest goal in life ... View More

13 people like this.
The Toltec civilization has long been extinct although there may be people who want to attach themselves to what they perceive as a glorious past. I'm no history expert but I think the Aztecs wiped them out, could be wrong about that. Don't understand why you'd think I'm looking for a fight, just ad... View More
Like March 12, 2021
There is a big misunderstandind about what is a Toltec, they arent a civilization, a Toltec is the person of knowledge of the Toltekayotl, its a spiritual philosophy like saying Buddhism but Toltekayotl was the spiritual knowledge of Anahuac (Territory that used to be from Alaska to Nicaragua)
Like March 12, 2021
This body of knowledge stills alive, everyone that its a warior of the spirit is considered a Toltec, Toltekayotl means The art of living and a toltec its an artist of the spirit
Like March 12, 2021
Thank you! I didn't know anything about that. 1f642.png
Like April 6, 2021 Edited
Black Agar ????✨
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Mix smashed activated carbon into the hot liquid agar, i do around 6-7 gr every Lt of agar
Like March 10, 2021
It helps with the PH, people recommend this to add vitality to the cultires.
Like March 10, 2021
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