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Female. Lives in Mexico. Is single.
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I love psychedelic rock as well as progressive rock.
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Some song that made you imagine crazy things? without being under the effects of some substance, for me it was a dish of secrets of Pink Floyd hahaha
I don’t know what exactly this is, I just know he looks like he wants to end his life hahaha
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CaLi Uso
From one angle it looks like a mushroom that needs some rain... too much sunshine... ... from another angle, it looks like a slender person trying to escape a tent of some sort, with his hands up against the window From a 3rd angle it looks like a hurshyz kiss candy that vomited a rainbow after hi... View More
Like March 16, 2021 Edited
I see a mushroom that just smoked a massive Blunt lol
Like March 16, 2021
CaLi Uso How much imagination, but you’re right, at least it doesn’t look as bad as the first attempts that looked more like depressed sperm hahaha
Like March 16, 2021
Hinestly he looks so stoned to the bone hes havung a GREAT time
Like March 16, 2021
Hi, How are you? I hope you had a good day. Today, when I woke up from a nap of practically all day hahaha, I began to think, as always, about the hippie movement, which I find extremely interesting, ... View More
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I consider myself a modern day hippie. There can be another movement like that. Im not sure what it would tske but too many people are now attached to materials and technology.
Like March 14, 2021
FennecFox Well, in that I think you’re right, I hadn’t thought so
Like March 14, 2021
Thor Odinson
It was a beautiful mark in time. However, we could have done it better. Some were searching for something that was with us all along. There's a great excerpt from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas about it. It goes as follows... "We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fuel... View More
Like March 19, 2021
different time, different world, different context, different everything, different challenges. No idea what will come next but I'm sure it won't be like the hippie movement. While patterns and similarities occur, history never repeats itself the same way. I think the US isn't on a nice path. My cou... View More
Like March 19, 2021 Edited
Hi smile.gif Hope you are having a nice day. Well, could any of you recommend some psychedelic themed movies and books please?
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frogapodamus_art Thanks for your recommendation, I have tried to see that movie but the plot makes me a little nervous hahaha, but since you mention it I will try to see it again 1f642.png
Like March 12, 2021
Snap!! I forgot the obvious. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! When I saw it as a young adult at Uni, I only smoked weed. We flipped so much with the film, and laughed so hard at the ether scene, that in our next Genetic lab we soaked our scarfs with the stuff at the end of class and ran out trying to... View More
Like March 12, 2021
Beyond the black rainbow is a cool one
Like March 14, 2021
Thor Odinson
House of Leaves and Be Here Now
Like March 19, 2021
Shine on you crazy diamond!!
you have always been and always will be my main source of inspiration❤️
I love psychedelic rock too!
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That's great!!
Like March 9, 2021 Edited
Rainbow-Catch the rainbow . Eargasm
Like March 21, 2021
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