on March 19, 2021
I got this agar plate, this is a transfer from agar to agar culture, you can see the piece of agar at the rigth, just i wonder how is this place almost fully colonized but so irregular? Seems like isnt even connected, ive seen this growth with spores but no agar to agar, any idea?
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 6.3 Mb
2 people like this.
Did the piece of agar bounce around at all? Ive had similar looking growth from the agar making contact with multiple points before getting it where I want. Try to get that fucker right in the middle, on the first shot. Mush love
Like March 19, 2021
Thor Odinson
That shit colonizes everything it touches. Pretty amazing. Looks like u just have some tomentose growth. I see a few rhizomorphic spots already that will make good clean transfers. Good work. Mush luv.
Like March 19, 2021
The transfer rolled around the surface. The spot around 8 o'clock looks ripe for transfer
Like March 19, 2021