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Life tastes so much better. The view is amazing too.
10 people like this.
One of my favorite trips was watching a bunch of adventure time. That show blew my fucking mind on 400ug.
Like December 27, 2020
Growing quite well...
26 people like this.
What strain man?
Like December 26, 2020
You got that right
Like December 27, 2020
What's on my mind? $hrooms
26 people like this.
Drugs are nothing without ‘a people’ to use it.
Like December 26, 2020
Like December 27, 2020
Joey Green
I realize this will sound like a quote from Dr Spock within an old Star Trek episode ... but .... In a very real way ..... emotions, happiness and even love are indeed "drugs" ..... they very much are chemical reactions within our brains that cause us to interpret them as emotion. So, in that cont... View More
Like December 27, 2020
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