Mycology » Psilocybin
First time growing. 1 of 2 tubs, other tub had a little trico problem. I was able to remove and get mushrooms off it. Super stoked with results, especially with this tub!
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Whats the strain
January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021

Congratulations. You've graduated from noob school and earned the title of cultivator. Eat some freshies to celebrate.
January 8, 2021
Should I be concerned with this small white spot in my tube? Only spot that looks like that in my tube.
Hello everyone, I have to tubs which both are about ready to fruit. On one the sub is almost fully colonized but it has 3-4 tiny spots of green mold. What is the best course of action? Try and remove ... View More
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“Green mold” is generally Trich, which is pretty much a death sentence. Trich is airborne, so your whole block is likely contaminated. I have heard anecdotal accounts of people beating trich with H2O2 and a blowtorch. If it were my tub i would probably lay her to rest in the garden, if i were feelin... View More
Need a little advice as I'm still new to growing mushrooms myself; I drilled three small holes covered with micropore tape on my shoebox-size container on each side 4-5 inches above my substrate grain... View More
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Ask yourself this, if you were their size, would you be comfortable with current airflow? You'll know how to answer this question. When you say small, would you have a diameter of the bit you used? I don't grow with my drilled bins anymore, prefer unmodified. You can flip your lid upside down, and l... View More