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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Blue green under the white. Trash it?
1 person likes this.
No! It's likely bruising. Before tossing anything, take a Q-Tip and gently but thoroughly rub/swirl the suspected areas... If the Q-tip stays white and clean you are good, if the discoloration can be rubbed off the mycelium and is visible on the Q-tip, you have some form of contamination.
Like March 9, 2023
To give my best observation from just this picture; The bruising appears in areas of your cake that also appear the most dry. I would venture my best assessment however limited it may be from just a photo... this is bruising due to the mycelium experiencing too low of RH% (relative humidity %) coup... View More
Like March 9, 2023
I see the bluish under the white. It looks maybe a little matted down? I have that happen when I over mist. It could just be bruising. If it’s the green meanie it will be completely evident in a day or so. I would just keep it closed and wait a little while. If it explodes in green spores toss it fo... View More
Like March 9, 2023
posted a trip report.
17 people like this.
Welcome to team DMT!
Like July 12, 2021
Its so weird, that feeling of familiarity. To me it reminds me of visiting an old family home you havent been to since you were a kid. It all seems familiar, but still so different at the same time. It might be cause youre all big now and its strange seeing it from that perspective. Maybe it seem... View More
Like July 12, 2021
100% smelled like my grandpa's bedroom. Made me feel like a 4-5yo kid again...
Like August 7, 2021
shared a few photos
Mush love everyone <3>
shared a few photos
Feels good to be back
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Like May 16, 2021
Eyyyyyyy fuq yea!!!!!! I got hosed this year. Has had me in a sad mood for the past cpl weeks meow. Hope you had a blast im sure you did. Its obmfj. Miss all the fam from out there.
Like May 16, 2021
Was an awesome community, we loved it. Maybe I'll catch you at the spirit of woodstock in august. Already considering that one.
Like May 17, 2021
Yea this was the first we missed since we started going. We usually vend there. Best fest of the year for us.
Like May 17, 2021
Any ideas?
1 person likes this.
Try the shroom ID group
Like May 13, 2021
I made a post referencing the pictures on my profile
Like May 13, 2021
shared a few photos
Here they come again. Growing out of some particle board that has been soaking in AC condensation runoff in the shade. Tampa Bay. Anyone ID? Suggestions to help you ID? I have full grown pics in my pr... View More
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