on March 8, 2023
Blue green under the white. Trash it?
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No! It's likely bruising. Before tossing anything, take a Q-Tip and gently but thoroughly rub/swirl the suspected areas... If the Q-tip stays white and clean you are good, if the discoloration can be rubbed off the mycelium and is visible on the Q-tip, you have some form of contamination.
Like March 9, 2023
To give my best observation from just this picture; The bruising appears in areas of your cake that also appear the most dry. I would venture my best assessment however limited it may be from just a photo... this is bruising due to the mycelium experiencing too low of RH% (relative humidity %) coup... View More
Like March 9, 2023
I see the bluish under the white. It looks maybe a little matted down? I have that happen when I over mist. It could just be bruising. If it’s the green meanie it will be completely evident in a day or so. I would just keep it closed and wait a little while. If it explodes in green spores toss it fo... View More
Like March 9, 2023