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Male. Lives in Corbin, Kentucky, United States. Is in a relationship.
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Anything I say is just what I think. I get bored easily. Love music and cooking. I try my best to no... View More
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I would really like if someone could help me understand what I experienced yesterday. I am fine. I have some questions that I would like to talk to about with someone who has had similar experiences. ... View More
11 people like this.
@MTNMEDICAL experiencing eye opening visions while tripping is not unusual. Many have had their third eye opened in this way. My advice is to buckle up because it only gets more intense from here. I have had so many experiences where I have learned more about the universe and myself... almost alw... View More
Like June 16, 2021
I've had a few good trips now, it's a paradox coming back to reality when the realm of DMT feels so much realer once you go beyond the geometry phase. It's amazing. Sometimes you come back and wonder what you went in for. You went in with an intention but obviously don't get what you ask all the ti... View More
Like June 17, 2021
@mtnmedical you may have it backwards if the theory that what we experience during a trip is us going internally and speaking with our DNA. It could just be your subconscious skeptism in regards to Christianity. It doesn’t mean you should haphazardly alter your beliefs, though they might already be ... View More
Like June 17, 2021
Hey guys I really appreciate you all.Your time and insight are all GREAT.
Like July 16, 2021
shared a few photos
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I mean for these pics to go with the other post beautiful family clusters like I never seen.
Like June 13, 2021
I had this beautiful experience yesterday with our favorite spice. It showed me the beautiful life we have and left the door unlocked for me.The importance of being together like these beautiful littl... View More
6 people like this.
Yes, I feel you, a similar insight came to me on Sunday. Love.
Like June 14, 2021
I have no pictures only a question or two. Has anyone ever been shown a book while smoking spice? What was in your book?? Was the book made of anything special.. I just know mine was beautiful. What's... View More
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The stuff I was smoking is like gum and taste very earthy maybe even of metal. All I could see we're plants. This book was made of glass or crystals the spice from acacia.i also smoked the white and it was Extasy pure bliss.
Like May 9, 2021
Sounds epic im with . Sounds like a akashic records. Look into it if you haven't heard of it. Its a great book you can view in deep meditation. Not that i have because i am not skilled enough but someday.
Like May 9, 2021
This gives me the chills. I've had this happen to me a few times on some large doses of mushrooms. I actually have i think 2 sessions recorded where my voice changes while I'm accessing my past lives.
Like May 9, 2021
So this bark I used I didn't feel was exhausted so I boil the whole 1000 grams again. After freezing a few times. I came up with less than a qt after boiling it down. The strangest thing happened when I add the lye. I hear a noise from the brew like a low growl. So I turned off everything and add mo... View More
Like May 11, 2021
Some big first flush clusters from agar. Mckenna labeled # 2.i took several sectors from a dish. I am very happy with these and got spore prints.When I shower I get some real work done.I will clone on... View More
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I have the same dehydro
Like April 21, 2021
Works great
Like April 21, 2021
Yesh it does. Therr super cheap too
Like April 21, 2021
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