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Male. Lives in Corbin, Kentucky, United States. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Anything I say is just what I think. I get bored easily. Love music and cooking. I try my best to no... View More
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Status Update

I would really like if someone could help me understand what I experienced yesterday. I am fine. I have some questions that I would like to talk to about with someone who has had similar experiences. ... View More
11 people like this.
@MTNMEDICAL experiencing eye opening visions while tripping is not unusual. Many have had their third eye opened in this way. My advice is to buckle up because it only gets more intense from here. I have had so many experiences where I have learned more about the universe and myself... almost alw... View More
Like June 16, 2021
I've had a few good trips now, it's a paradox coming back to reality when the realm of DMT feels so much realer once you go beyond the geometry phase. It's amazing. Sometimes you come back and wonder what you went in for. You went in with an intention but obviously don't get what you ask all the ti... View More
Like June 17, 2021
@mtnmedical you may have it backwards if the theory that what we experience during a trip is us going internally and speaking with our DNA. It could just be your subconscious skeptism in regards to Christianity. It doesn’t mean you should haphazardly alter your beliefs, though they might already be ... View More
Like June 17, 2021
Hey guys I really appreciate you all.Your time and insight are all GREAT.
Like July 16, 2021