Hello guys so i havent posted in a while and well i had the most incredible experience yesterday. I got 7 grams of mushrooms from a friend and made a smoothie with it and drank it while on my way to t... View More
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My first trip was similar. I was taking big, deep breathes and every breath felt like a full body orgasm. And then I started humming and chanting and the vibrations of my own voice felt so incredible I never wanted it to end. Been chasing the tail of that dragon for over 6 years but unfortunately... View More
June 10, 2024

Jboney that is my biggest and saddest realization i have had that this experience i had is never gona happen again so i will cherish it o even told my girl how it felt and she was like so go do it again. I told her sadly it wont but i was a great time
June 10, 2024
Okay everybody I'm on my first Acid trip and hot Phoenix Arizona heading up to a wooded area get out of this heat with a couple of buddies we'll see how that goes so far I'm liking it my tattoo stings... View More
Hey fam so i want to learn more about mycelium and how to chose the best part of the growth and to get good flushes. Do any of u guys have good reading material or web site to learn. I have seen some ... View More
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Trial and error. I literally got a base understanding and experimented. I am not a mycologist. I can talk about anastomosis, but i literally opened the dictionary to learn what it meant when i first read it. A base understanding wass all that was needed. Then i started seeing people getting lucky. W... View More
Ok peeps i really am having a hard time with this i want a new tattoo having to deal with mushrooms and kinda evolveing into like a deep space and would like some ideas if u guys be so kind.
Hey guys so I've been walking around getting some supplies that I've been needing to start having a good time with my project I'm here at Home Depot and came across this look up photo for reference an... View More
So i got an opportunity to get acid and was woundering if i can get some advice on it i done shrooms but not acid so any advice
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If you dont have a kit to test your acid keep this phrase in mind "if its bitter its a spitter". It shouldnt have any taste on it at all, if its on blotter paper.
Secondly, i find that acid is much more stimulating than mushrooms. I get lots of energy and almost always find myself talking a long w... View More
Test it man cant stress enough other than that jerry said it best take it easy dude but take it
June 6, 2020