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Male. Lives in Pennsylvania, United States. Born on September 30, 1990. Is single.
About Me
Lifelong Student of Psychedelics. Hoping to find some people from PA to chill n’ Trip with. I’ve had... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT

Status Update

Got my 2C-B & LSD today! I was planning on taking both, and I definately still will but for now I took a small dose of 2C-B, they were supposed to be 22mg/cap but theres no way that little of an amoun... View More
7 people like this.
I googled it and thers some places to buy it, is it safe to purchace through the internet ? Legal?
Like April 6, 2020
@FlatErthBrandon No, its not leagal. If you get caught shipping it through customs you most likely will be prosecuted. Also, if your seeing it on the normal clear net, the sites selling it are one of two, maybe 3 things: 1) Legitimate Chemical Supply Vendors who will ask for a DEA license to purchas... View More
Like April 6, 2020
Nah dude, there are too many fake sites that steal your money. I wouldn't order online. I lost my money once, ended up being a scam. So i recommend against that.
Like April 6, 2020
Thanks was gonna order bit after hearing yalls stories def. wont be doing that
Like April 6, 2020