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Male. Lives in Ohio, United States. Is in a relationship.
Shroomin 2.0
1709 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
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Been listening to Alan Watts a lot lately so I thought I’d edit a photo with some of his quotes.
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posted a trip report.
7 people like this.
I don’t know my dose unfortunately i wasn’t prepared for that intense of a trip as I only took half a tab and I originally was suppose to ne trip sitting on that dose it was way more than I thought I had a more intense trip that I was originally prepared for. And yes the bliss was great after workin... View More
Like April 1, 2020
Thats awesome that you got to expirience being a tree! When i firat started tripping hard the summer after middlesschool, i had a very similar expirience... for me it went like, i could see all the air and energy flowing thtough the earth and out of the tree, and also from the air/sun into amd throu... View More
Like April 1, 2020
Hi there everyone I’m fairly new to tripping I’ve only done lsd and have had 5 trips so far. Looking to expand my views and my conciousness and talk to like minded people. I’m also hoping to try mushr... View More
6 people like this.
Like November 5, 2019
Welcome 1f642.png
Like November 5, 2019
Thank you all 1f642.png
Like November 5, 2019
Welcome brother!
Like November 5, 2019
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