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Female. Lives in United States. Is engaged.
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I have a question for any mushroom growers out there. Ive been getting a lot of condensation inside my petri dishes after PCing them (no pour tek) that then turn into contam.
I use the small mason jar... View More

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I work in a SAB once they are out of the PC, but dont while im making the agar, after its made it goes straight to the jars and PC. They are contaminating before i ever open them after the PC, and only on the spots the excess water has fallen. Im considering PCing the whole batch of agar and just po... View More
Like April 6, 2021
id leave out the yeast, seems a likely contaminant to me. excess moisture could be the recipe change, less lme means more water. i use 15g lme and 10g agar per 500ml
Like April 6, 2021
Awesome, thanks everyone for advise. Luckily i already have many dried mushies from previous batches so im going to take my time and expirement and try what you guys said
Like April 6, 2021 Edited
All about sterile technique in this endeavor. Can never be too clean!!! There are many ways to skin a cat and the way above does work quite well regardless of what some may claim. I have the luxury of owning and operating a lab which I am beyond thankful for but not all have this luxury.
Like April 6, 2021
Got a tip that my work is going to "do labs" aka weed and nictoine tests for everyone that was brought into the company from the previously bought out company, which includes me.. Its only been a week... View More
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Joey Green
Dont fuck around with wives tale additives .... Get some clean urine and refrigerate it until testing day. Then go to a home improvement store or a outdoor store and get some chemicsl heat packs/hand warmers..... No need for 80hr ones ...whatever they got is fine, but the self adhesive ones make th... View More
Like February 22, 2021
Lol im female and know they wont be watching, but the idea of whipping out a dick in front of them all makes me laugh and would get some interesting reactions. Not to say they are against chicks with dicks, but it is Missouri XD
Like February 22, 2021 Edited
Joey Green
Females can defeat such privacy intrusions like drug testing much more easily than males! Use that to your advantage!
Like February 22, 2021
Urine. They didnt watch last time so i doubt they will this time, and if so i would fight that
Like February 22, 2021 Edited
Got really excited to try my mushies last night, tried 2g dry, after 3hrs nothing so i ate another 25g fresh and 1g dry. I ended up getting all the uncomfortable side effects but very little as far as... View More
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Haha makes sense to me but im also high so.. I had eaten a few hours earlier so could have effected it, as far as tolerance even though ive grown for a while that was only my second macro dose so im unsure. I also skiped agar because i got impatient ehen i accidently let my T3 plates dry up
Like January 30, 2021 Edited
I would always eat all at once
Like January 30, 2021
Just started getting baxk into art after a few years. These are all old pieces but cant wait to start making more
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Is that the thing fron Parasyte?
Like January 25, 2021
Haha yeah
Like January 25, 2021
Awesome! Very nice work!!
Like January 25, 2021
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