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Female. Lives in United States. Is engaged.
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Status Update

I have a question for any mushroom growers out there. Ive been getting a lot of condensation inside my petri dishes after PCing them (no pour tek) that then turn into contam.
I use the small mason jar... View More

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I work in a SAB once they are out of the PC, but dont while im making the agar, after its made it goes straight to the jars and PC. They are contaminating before i ever open them after the PC, and only on the spots the excess water has fallen. Im considering PCing the whole batch of agar and just po... View More
Like April 6, 2021
id leave out the yeast, seems a likely contaminant to me. excess moisture could be the recipe change, less lme means more water. i use 15g lme and 10g agar per 500ml
Like April 6, 2021
Awesome, thanks everyone for advise. Luckily i already have many dried mushies from previous batches so im going to take my time and expirement and try what you guys said
Like April 6, 2021 Edited
All about sterile technique in this endeavor. Can never be too clean!!! There are many ways to skin a cat and the way above does work quite well regardless of what some may claim. I have the luxury of owning and operating a lab which I am beyond thankful for but not all have this luxury.
Like April 6, 2021