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Male. Lives in United States. Is single.
This was the last fruit I got out of the dryer. A little bit mushy on the lower stem for the big one but the rest was dried out no problem. Since I'm planning to eat this soon I didn't see a reason to... View More
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Lucky charms
Ive been using the same silica packets for years now pop them in the oven for an hr and they're brand new again
Like October 24, 2021
what temperature for the oven?
Like October 24, 2021
Lucky charms
200-250°f dry & dry makes color changing beads to let you know of they need reactivation the microwave is faster 7-12 min on defrost i usually just lay them on a cookie sheet in the oven
Like October 24, 2021
Lucky charms
Depending on the size of your packages and saturation level times vary
Like October 24, 2021
Damn drug dealers killing us all. Mask up OR ELSE
Woke up and decided to try and edit the album track of Pneuma to the drum footage and time stretch the video and make it fit. Since live audio doesn't do the song justice
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Edward Scissorhands
He doesn't play it exactly like on the album though.
Like February 14, 2021
I know. Thats the problem. I got close
Like February 14, 2021
Agar. Does any one know why the same near monoculture on agar in different dishes with sometimes eat the food color in my agar? Sometimes half the dish. Some dishes the entire dish will lose all the b... View More
6 people like this.
Good question. My first go at agar I did blue as well. It was a light blue, turned to light green, then gone. I wondered the exact same thing.
Like February 13, 2021
That same thing happens to mine too. The myc looks perfectly healthy with no other sign of contam, but the food coloring is consumed out of the agar. I’ve tossed so many plates in the beginning cuz I thought they were toast. But if I do a transfer, the new plate doesn’t contam.
Like February 13, 2021
My no touch mini monos. 33qt gasket lids. No fanning. No misting. Just a small usb fan circulating air in my closet. Colonizing and fruiting treated the same. I don't open until the first veil breaks... View More
This is just a re-post frim my IG, hope to have more pics as soon as flush is ready... youtube helped me... mush luv
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I bet that lemon has nothing to do with a mixer!
Like February 8, 2021
Just another GT photo..i got some other things coming soon. Just waiting on that spawn wink.gif .. helped me BIG TIME, i almost lost everything, his brain has “levelled up” already.
1 person likes this.
Every flush is a good one!
Like February 7, 2021
Hello. New here. Seems like Youtube and IG is coming for anyone sharing mycology, many channels shutdown. Might bring some friends here. Been cultivating for nearly a year.
12 people like this.
Check out some of my work on my page funguy. Maybe we can do some genetics trading in the future. I have a nice collection in my spore bank. Currently trying to work thru any syringes i have to make prints for long term. I appriciate everybody who puts their work out on YT and other things to teach ... View More
Like February 6, 2021 Edited
F Youtube and the rest of the big tech oligarchy! If we want to continue to have freedom of expression we need to stop supporting these oppressors with our patronage. Alt tech is here, let's start using it
Like February 7, 2021
Unless you sing about moist vaginas. That's acceptable for all audiences. Evil runs big tech. Plain and simple
Like February 7, 2021
My brotherFunguyFruits, having amazing Flushes !
Like February 7, 2021
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