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shared a few photos
Second attempt has been a much better success then the first.
Bloody wrapped.
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Went to a fungus discovery workshop a couple of weeks ago.
Very educational.
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Tis the season!
This tub has been inactive for quite some time now, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to jump start it?
1 person likes this.
I didn't put air holes in this one, I thought it might keep the humidity up. I have fanned it a few times since I started it a couple of months ago. I thought I had to wait until I saw pin heads before opening it, coz it goes into fruiting conditions? I'm unsure with the whole process as it's my fi... View More
Like December 16, 2021
Cheers mate I really appreciate it
Like December 16, 2021
Just wanted some advice for dissolving this into vape juice anyone?
Also should I get a vape pen or something better?
1 person likes this.
The color of that i would highly advise a rex looks like lye got into the finial result
Like November 17, 2021
I have no idea what Rex is? Yeah this last batch had a lot of solvent Trapped in there for almost a year now
Like November 17, 2021
Re- ex is to disolve it again in solvent to clear the impurities , looks like you got some lye in your product.
Like November 17, 2021
Basically you want to pull it again. Put it in a shot glass(something similar) and add a minimal amount of warm namptha(solvent). Stir, let it resettle. You should see all the impurities sink to the bottom. Now siphon it up and refreeze or dry out with a fan on low. You want white or tinted yellow ... View More
Like January 14, 2022
shared a few photos - Feeling sad
Is this the son of a bitch you guys call Trich?
8 people like this.
Clone that shit!
Like November 10, 2021
you killin me bro
Like November 10, 2021
Toss it in the wild. Trich is very important in natural soil and stuff, but a nightmare for fungus growers.
Like November 10, 2021
Some of these comments got me cry laughing
Like November 10, 2021
shared a few photos
No luck said the duck
5 people like this.
Dang i saw your last post. You said you fan and mist quite a bit. I would suggest doing that more like twice day morning and night. That heavy blues staining is signs of heavy watering. With this tek you shouldnt need to mist much if your pumice is at proper nice and moist. Dont give up just let the... View More
Like October 15, 2021 Edited
I'm getting ready to do another batch the monotub way. I've basically forsaken this PF tek holding on to little hope. It sucks not succeeding and reaping the rewards but you do learn a thing or two from failure. Just hoping this 2nd attempt would be more favourable. I appreciate the advice my fun g... View More
Like October 15, 2021
Lucky charms
It is possible that what you have here is a non fruiting mycelium it happens from time to time if you have the availability to do bulk grains and sub i do suggest it even if you dont get a full flush im sure youll get some
Like October 15, 2021
Ive only done the PF tek once or twice. But I wouldnt toss them out id either slice them up or shred them up into small pieces and mix them in with a bulk substrate if they dont have any contams. I think it would be worth a shot rather than tossing them out. Good luck
Like October 15, 2021
Blocked from the DMT world again with a thousand middle fingers
9 people like this.
I really want to explore DMT so i can understand this concept. So curious
Like September 24, 2021
Thought this was interesting
4 people like this.
Book name?
Like September 23, 2021
Encyclopaedia of psychoactive plants
Like September 23, 2021
Each ceremony i have done seems to come with increased gastric eructations.
Like September 24, 2021
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