on November 15, 2021
Just wanted some advice for dissolving this into vape juice anyone?
Also should I get a vape pen or something better?
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 139.22 Kb
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The color of that i would highly advise a rex looks like lye got into the finial result
Like November 17, 2021
I have no idea what Rex is? Yeah this last batch had a lot of solvent Trapped in there for almost a year now
Like November 17, 2021
Re- ex is to disolve it again in solvent to clear the impurities , looks like you got some lye in your product.
Like November 17, 2021
Basically you want to pull it again. Put it in a shot glass(something similar) and add a minimal amount of warm namptha(solvent). Stir, let it resettle. You should see all the impurities sink to the bottom. Now siphon it up and refreeze or dry out with a fan on low. You want white or tinted yellow ... View More
Like January 14, 2022