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Is this bad?
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Jo smith
If black spread it no good. If only mycelium grow then very good.
Like July 6, 2021
Did you not break up any clumps in the syringe?
Like July 6, 2021
I shook the crap out if it, not all of it separated
Like July 6, 2021
You need an air bubble to break up the spores really well. Next time do this leave the syringe upside down so the spores sink to the bottom (plunger side). Then remove the cap and squirt out a small amount of water from the syringe. Using a torch, place the tip of the needle inside of the flame. Wi... View More
Like July 6, 2021
If I purchase presterilized substrate jars, will I do any harm to the substrate if I sterilze them again?
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Lucky charms
It will dry out further if its seald should be good to go
Like July 1, 2021
I used to think shrooms unplugged me from the matrix, now I feel like they plug you into the mycelium information superhighway. Internet ain't got ish on that.
4 people like this.
Definitely plugs you in I will agree with this 100%
Like June 29, 2021
Lucky charms
Once you plug in there alot to explore down there
Like June 29, 2021
Just got some spores in, this will be my first attempt. 2 questions: I ordered a grow kit that already has the media and everything but from the videos I've watched I'm considering using rye seeds ins... View More
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This kit includes the following Brand New items: 12 Ultra Substrate Jars, 1/2 Pint, Premixed & Pressure Sterilized (The best on the net) Modular Dual Design Growing Chamber 20"X 15"X 12" Digital Thermometer/Hydrometer/Humidity Gauge Electric 200 watt Heater with adjustable thermostat settings (68-92... View More
Like June 29, 2021
Sounds like a nice stuff you probably could have pieced it together maybe cheaper but sounds like everything you need to be successful. I just go to agar then to grain last in a shoebox do a dub box because my tent ain’t set up. All work done in a SAB no flow hood yet.
Like June 29, 2021
Dont give any. Grow them yourself, make some spire prints from those grows and give to your mate. Or with the syringe, put on agar plates, let it grow out and give the agar plates for your mate to enjoy growing from 1f642.png
Like June 29, 2021
If you're going to get into it, you'll need a pressure cooker. Otherwise you can just purchase pre-sterilized grain spawn, substrate, and even agar plates.
Like June 29, 2021
Am I going to lose this understanding?
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Its the subconscious who remembers. Thats why no one can explain what they've learn. You were there but experiencial wisdom is written beneath awareness.
Like June 26, 2021
Thats why entities hardly speak as we do. They arent speaking directly to the self we believe ourself to be, but the true self behind our physicality.
Like June 26, 2021
It's not really something that can fully be explained with words. That weird little fuzzy stuff has us plugged into all of existence.
Like June 26, 2021
I've done DMT quite a lot now. And during the experience it's like "oh yeah! I remember this, and I know what it's all about". Then you wake up with the wonderful feelings of what you've learned and realise to yourself, "Why do I keep having to prove to myself when we already know". And then you com... View More
Like June 27, 2021
I broke through
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Write up a trip report brother. Please share
Like June 26, 2021
I can answer questions
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Coming, I'm still processing
Like June 27, 2021
How much wood could a wood chuck chuckIf a wood chuck could chuck wood
Like June 27, 2021
Like June 27, 2021
CaLi Uso
Where does an idea go when it’s forgotten?
Like June 27, 2021
Can I go live?
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Lol. Yep you are god, we all are god, we all are, just are. We know brother. Take it easy 1f609.png
Like June 27, 2021
Just remember to reground yourself into this reality. Most of us know what's after death, what the greater consciousness is. But, we are here right now in this 3rd physical dimension. Do with it what you can in this life to make the most of it, and leave it a better place for those beings after you... View More
Like June 27, 2021 Edited
Do you have a method for this? Yesterday I felt like the mushrooms wanted to show me something else, but I refused to go because all I could think about was the movie inception and I uad a fear that I wouldn't be able to recognize what was real
Like June 27, 2021
Not sure I have a method. It's a mental thing mostly. Just reminding yourself that this is physical reality and you need to live in it. Otherwise you'll just be some crazy guy no one can relate to. Nothing is real anyway. As all dimensions are as real as the other. This one is just the 3rd dimensi... View More
Like June 27, 2021
I wish
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It is so incredible
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