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Am I going to lose this understanding?
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Its the subconscious who remembers. Thats why no one can explain what they've learn. You were there but experiencial wisdom is written beneath awareness.
Like June 26, 2021
Thats why entities hardly speak as we do. They arent speaking directly to the self we believe ourself to be, but the true self behind our physicality.
Like June 26, 2021
It's not really something that can fully be explained with words. That weird little fuzzy stuff has us plugged into all of existence.
Like June 26, 2021
I've done DMT quite a lot now. And during the experience it's like "oh yeah! I remember this, and I know what it's all about". Then you wake up with the wonderful feelings of what you've learned and realise to yourself, "Why do I keep having to prove to myself when we already know". And then you com... View More
Like June 27, 2021