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Female. Lives in United States. Born on February 9, 1991. Is married.
About Me
Just a fun loving peaceful soul on a journey with my amazing wife to live a life worthy of the gifts... View More
So wemt and did some randonautic with the wife today and found several diffrent things we manifested but then we had to take shifts due to the kiddos being rowdy so i went off alone and set ... View More
Just finsihed my morning yoga and now im having my detox tea. It is a beautiful day. Peace love and mushies to you all. Namaste
7 people like this.
What's in a detox tea?
Like August 14, 2020
Alot lol look up yogi detox tea
Like August 14, 2020
If you guys get the time to check out my latest trip report about the dark dmt enitity i am very interested in any feedback. Thanks and namaste
Heres my trip report about the negative entity for those interested
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posted a trip report.
15 people like this.
I really feel our intentions set the tone for how our trips manifest themselves. You had a grave purpose in mind when you set out on this voyage. its not surprising to me it got a little scary. Always good to hear tales from the other side of the curtain of existence even if you can't fully make sen... View More
Like August 10, 2020
Intense man, was reading and having some weird memories or flashbacks or maybe even some sort of visions, bad side is real, for me i think it is because i know i have done some shit when i was younger that i am not proud of, and i know that pain what i caused very well, i still havent found the way ... View More
Like August 11, 2020
You cant appreciate/taste the sweet if you dont know the bitter. Right? Same in the DMT World. Its not all happy and funny and so beautifully mindopening. Im going to have a session within the next days. Maybe I will write a trip report so lets see what happens. But I can totally relate to your expi... View More
Like August 17, 2020
Thank you everyone for your viewpoints. I apprciate your guidance and good luck kynokephalo77 on ur trip let me know how it goes
Like August 17, 2020
I dont really art and i deff dont usually share on yhe rare occasion i do but felt like it today with this community. Im no pro at all or even really good lol but sharing our creativity is sharing our... View More
11 people like this.
Planet of the APE’s... 2nd flush
Like August 9, 2020
On my 4 trips to dmt land 3 have been with the good enties and peaceful and the last was with a similat entity but he was evil amd i wasnt welcome there and the enviroment was diffrent. Has anyone eve... View More
5 people like this.
What is it that you call evil ? Scary malevolent shit ? Sure, but there was always a lesson/benefit to bring back.
Like August 9, 2020
I will elborate more when i have time this evening so check back with me then gang but yes malovent is a better word
Like August 9, 2020
shared a few photos
Sharing some more of where i live for your pleasure smile.gif this was taken last winter my favorite time to hike! Hope this brings some smiles
Just hanging in the backyard. Wonderful day so blessed!
14 people like this.
No problem ALX! Theres a beautiful waterfall on the property i could share later too if you would like. I love sharing the nature with you guys!
Like August 6, 2020
Thought u guys might like this. He has many pieces like this his name is daniel popper.
15 people like this.
This is awesome I'd love to come across this while on a adventure trippin and walking through it would be I feel would be soul shattering in the greatest way
Like August 6, 2020
Lucas Lins
Like August 6, 2020
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