Just a fun loving peaceful soul on a journey with my amazing wife to live a life worthy of the gifts... View More
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xyzGirl shared...
Heres my trip report about the negative entity for those interested
Ok so this is for those interested in my earlier post where i referred to the entity as evil.
I took my 3 hits and laid back in my bed closing my eyes and blasting off. Except this time instead of appearing in a bright white room with the good entities i came to in a room that i want to say was redish but the color wasnt quite right. I could only see the wall in front of me and out of my peripheral i could see the two walls to each side and just barely on my right side i could see a dark being. The walls were moving as if they were water almost, in a shaky pattern kinda hard to explain. There was a loud noise that was hurting me and the entity there made me feel very unwelcome. I cant remember what all he telegraphed into my brain but i do remeber him telling me that i was not welcome there and that if i came back he would ensure i stayed there suffering. I felt very afraid and had a sense that if i didnt open my eyes in the real world i was going to die. My wife who was sitting next to me quietly was feeling a concern for me she said felt as if it was not her own concern but she sensed i was in some kind of danger and almost wanted to pull me out but she didnt want to ruin my trip. It is worth mentioning about her feeling of concern that wasnt her own that when i went into this trip it was with the purpose of trying to find my dead mothers spirit and reconnect with her and while i was in the room i could see an outline of a person, not a dmt entity but an adult sized human, in the corner of the room and i felt they wanted to protect me from this dark entity. I was only under maybe 5 minutes before i pulled myself back into reality bc i was so terrified and knew i had to or else... Idk what. But yeah so part of me feels like it was partly bc i had used dmt 4 times in a short period maybe 6 months or less but part of me also feels like it was to give me that final push to truly change who i was bc the first 3 experiences had me feeling like there was only a good dmt afterlife full of love and i was questioning if evil people were allowed into the dmt afterlife. The 4th left me realzing, atleast in my opinon, that there most deff is a negative dmt space for evil souls to go to and one for good ones. Well sorry for the lengthy post but i apprciate you reading and any feed back is very welcome. Thank you all and peace be with you
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