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Nate taylor
Anyone have any stories about bad shroom trips?
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No bad trips just great lessons
Like February 26, 2020
Nate taylor
Physcdelics are the only thing that make feel alive
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? They are supposed to kill the ego not provoke it righ.
Like February 16, 2020
Nate taylor
Thats the part that makes me feel more alive its hard to explain
Like February 26, 2020
Nate taylor
Anyone see any ufos lately i live in Delaware and theres lots of reports of ufos in my state i also live close to an airforce base
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I want to........believe.
Like December 18, 2019 Edited
Nate taylor
I wanna take lsd again but im scared i might have a bad trip my last few trips have been bad any advice
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One advice: Read Timothy Leary book : The psychedelic experience (or listen to the audiobook)
Like November 25, 2019
If your scared your gonna have a bad trip, then your gonna have a bad trip.
Like November 25, 2019
Bad as in bad or uncomfortable (ego death, introspective etc.) Check out The Psychedelic Experience by Tim Leary as well as The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide by Dr. James Fadiman. Do you test your L?
Like November 25, 2019
Nate taylor
I dont use lsd for shits and giggles i use it for spiritual purposes and medicine for the mind
Like December 2, 2019
Nate taylor
I had a really terrfying trip on shrooms i was having waking nightmares i ate 3.5 grams ive had shrooms before and never had this problem i was hearing voices and sounds that werent there but it felt... View More
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The mushrooms will teach you what you need to know and not necessarily what you want to know.
Like November 21, 2019
They are teachers...but if u do a heavy dose...you must set your intent with meditation...its very important...well for me it is
Like November 22, 2019
Setting intent beforehand and making time to properly integrate between journeys is paramount.
Like November 22, 2019
Nate taylor
So update for everyone i just found out the shrooms i took was more than an eighth it was more like 5 grams
Like November 25, 2019
Nate taylor
Had a very strong acid flashback i was sleeping and then i woke up i was staring at the celing and shit started to morp and i saw what look like to be stars
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Nate taylor
I got a question is it possible to trip on 3.5 grams of mushrooms 2 days after an acid trip i took 4 hits 2 days ago please someone respond i need advice
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Suburban Hippie
i agree conpletely with @neil eastwood i tripped just a few days after an acid trip on shrooms and it was such of waste of mushies wait at least a week
Like August 26, 2019
Suburban Hippie
if anything you’d wanna do the shrooms before the cid if you absolutey cant wait
Like August 26, 2019
Nate taylor
@chapter because i dont have alot
Like August 26, 2019
Open mouth
Like August 26, 2019
Nate taylor
Does anyone know where I can buy some good tapsterys online I've been looking but I cant find any quality tapsterys worth buying
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Like August 19, 2019
Nate taylor
I took 4 hits of lsd 4 days ago will I feel anything if I take the same dose today
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Nate taylor
I have been experiencing sleep paralysis lately more often than usual and it got very intense 2 days ago when I woke up from my sleep I saw shadows all around me they had giant heads and I saw started... View More
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I got rid of it with meditation and trying to practice lucid dreaming.. I found that any stimulant , even caffeine makes it worse than just regular anxiety and had to total ly quit drinking coffee, total bummer
Like August 14, 2019
Harry, you're so right! I start by wiggling my toes. Always helps me break out of it. When you go to sleep, your brain stays active. So in the dream, if you move your left arm, the right side of the brain lights up as if you actually moved it. But since the brain is disconnected, it stops you from ... View More
Like August 15, 2019
I have always had sleep paralysis and a sound has always accompanied it, the sound of metal scraping on a road approaching. It gets so unbelievably loud and I’ve been told I’m trying to scream, but when I see the entities now I wish to challenge them, to face them head on, but often whoever is aroun... View More
Like August 15, 2019
Nate taylor
The weird part is that they sorta looked like aliens they had big almost heart shaped heads and they were very tiny
Like August 15, 2019
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