working my way up to a ten strip, next up is 8 tabs
last night my dad caught me with an ounce of shrooms, I had planned on taking a 14+ gram trip soon but all thats gone now. My parents think I am a drug addict and it is impossible to explain to them ... View Morelast night my dad caught me with an ounce of shrooms, I had planned on taking a 14+ gram trip soon but all thats gone now. My parents think I am a drug addict and it is impossible to explain to them the pyschedelic experience and why i am so fond of it. The only thing that matters to them is the law and even more difficult is trying to explain to them why pychs are illegal and why the government does not want us to think. I cannot explain to them my journey of spirituality and conciousness because of their christian faith. I feel like an alien to them and something they can not understand. I feel alone at the moment in this household and with my current financial situation i am unable to move out and be on my own to continue to live the lifestyle i am passionate about. This only drives me harder to create a plan to live my life freely without judgement or say so from others thay do not understand.
trippy movies/shows to watch?
so i was doing some thinking and thought to myself “ what would happen if one were to suddenly die mid dmt trip?” would they stay there in that realm? just curious to others thoughts on this, feel fre... View Moreso i was doing some thinking and thought to myself “ what would happen if one were to suddenly die mid dmt trip?” would they stay there in that realm? just curious to others thoughts on this, feel free to share any ideas. - peace and love
constantly trying to figure out how to escape the 9 to 5 and live free
8 gram shroom tea down the hatch 12:15am
made a tea with 10 grams of potent mushies and oh my did I breakthrough the only thing i could say was wow oh my god wow i cant believe my eyes.
any suggestions on how to calm down amd reduce the anxiety before the dmt trip
6.5 of cubes for me 3.6 for my gf its her first time shrooming alls going good about an hour in

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