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Had DXM and mushrooms, never any lsd. Nowhere to be found. One day I'd love to. I bought the orange sunshine movie a few years ago and it made me really want to. How does it compare to mushrooms?
August 29, 2019

Nick Taylor
I've only done mushrooms once but I love LSD
August 29, 2019

Nick Taylor
I did acid a handful of times when I was a teenager once when I was in my twenties but for the past 3 months I've been dosing twice a week
August 29, 2019
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I have seen many many in different stages in the wild. Looks like these were picked and placed in a sack or zip lock. Doesnt look like they were dried properly.
They do look like it was place in the oven on high heat? Just looking them! I wouldnt comsume them..
August 27, 2019
They turned out do be not dried properly. I ate them anyway but only had a mild trip
August 28, 2019
It was decent considering I tripped 2 days previous on 4 hits of LSD
August 29, 2019
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I've been told they lose potency when dried too much. I guess it's a matter of preference. This should be good for my first time tho
August 27, 2019
Have fun and be safe. If i may give a tip. Start low aroud 1 to 1,5 grams. Set your mind postive mood and list jefferson airplane rabbit
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Learned that too much can make you Mad! Literally... know my limit now that's for sure.
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Too much of what? Are you predisposed to any type of mental illness? No judgement, just curious 

August 9, 2019
I agree everything with moderation you have to be disciplined if you want to experiment with drugs and live a good life.
I do suffer from anxiety. I think maybe that did have allot to do with it.
August 9, 2019
Have been on a roller-coaster all night six hits white blotter was really questioning my reality not that long ago spell scary ride but quite enjoyable at the same time
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