Recently started making homemade stickers out of my drawings. So far just two (successful) batches. still learning how to work with it on my computer to finalize the look...but it is cool to make legi... View MoreRecently started making homemade stickers out of my drawings. So far just two (successful) batches. still learning how to work with it on my computer to finalize the look...but it is cool to make legit stickers out of my art Bonus hand drawn triangle cat with the excess sticker paper
Drawing done in pen and then added color on my computer. Still new to working with color and am limited...
A thing i finished up today. Pen on paper then scanned in to add color
Doodles from today.
Pen on paper then i snapped a picture and fixed it up just a little bit on my computer
110ug trip doodles for the day. Have to stop right now cause my wrist is being a pain
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