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Wow , you have had the shamans call ! Is this the trip report about power spots too? Anyway more power to ya!
Like March 27, 2022
Ya it's so so strong in this Native American spot in the desert where this occured
Like March 28, 2022
I am very new to cloning and have questions....background: I have a jar of liquid culture that started to underperform after a year. My thought process was that I would fuck around with agar (how to m... View More
3 people like this.
The thick slimy tan stuff in both cups is bacteria. Not surprising, as LC tends to go bacterial. As others have said, repeatedly take very small samples of the healthiest tissue and transfer. Probably best to start with an antibiotic agar like this one here: https://fungi.com/products/antibiotic-ma... View More
Like January 5, 2022
If you have fresh fruits, best to just transfer inner stem tissue directly to agar and not bother with the contaminated LC
Like January 5, 2022
I do open air too you just gotta know where in your work space is safe... I would try a different corner of my workspace because youre gonna always get some level of contam imo
Like January 8, 2022
some reading for your future project
Like April 1, 2022
Oh Jeez, help! So based on a posting HERE on DMT world, I started the SFF tek and all of the instructions were links to shroomery....which appears to be broken right now. I have colonized oats, purcha... View More
3 people like this.
One gallon h2o per typical sized coir block, coir,verm, subs are weak IMO. Do the mycelium some love with some manure. Black visqueen by the roll at HD or Lohs works great and is cheaper than garbage bags, I mix, 12/12 works well,I like FAE, not closed and forget it.
Like April 14, 2021
I do a 650g brick of coir, 2 quarts of vermiculite and a handfull of gypsum. Put them in a 5g bucket. Boil a gal of water and pour into bucket. Close bucket and let sit completely sealed for 5 hours. Mix well . Test for field capacity. If its too dry add more water. But otherwise youre good to go. ... View More
Like April 14, 2021 Edited
Hi, what's happening?
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7 people like this.
It seems like you made your mind up. You are more than your job. It's your life to create.
Like March 3, 2021 Edited
I think so. I'm going to quit and cash out. I'm only 47, but I need to take time off....it showed me how exhausted I am. I work in healthcare and it's been constant high alert stress since COVID started. My skill set is 100% healthcare and I'd rather poke my eyes out than continue in this sector. Th... View More
Like March 3, 2021
I made decision in May of 2020 to sell my business and retire. I'm 40. I've killed myself for for 2 decades. It's frightening and liberating all together. If anything take time to yourself for a while and reset. You got this.
Like March 3, 2021
I'm going through something similar. Not the personal stuff but I feel like i have to learn to not choose the darkness. This story lowkey helped me. I wish you the best! Also you got this experience off Shrooms? And can someone educate me what Ape's are
Like March 7, 2021
I took 3 gm of APE last night and I don't think I can return to my life. I saw myself "die" to the life I've been living and I chose it. I've never cried so profoundly and now I feel completely empty.... View More
12 people like this.
I'm pretty new as well...your grow looks good, what strain are thos?
Like March 3, 2021
I think it’s a process that takes time to integrate into your daily life. Hang in there and stay positive brother. I’ve always got a open ear if you want to chat
Like March 3, 2021
O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved, as to love; ... View More
Like March 3, 2021
@unclecharlie I grew them myself...I've learned over a few months how to do it and as crazy as this sounds, they (the mycellium) know me and are making each trip extremely specific and personal. I've eaten mushrooms lots of times at burning man and the like, with my experience never being more than ... View More
Like March 3, 2021
I was on Golden Teachers and saw this shape I had never seen before, but I was in awe of it, like I knew it was important. I looked around the internet trying to see what it was, and it was definitely... View More
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Im not sure but i tend to see torus radiating out from round objects a lot whether im on lucy or fungi. Sometimes i see a holographic flower of life pattern overlayed on top of everything i look at. I remember seeing a video on you tube something about tripping and seeing sacred geometry and i cant ... View More
Like February 1, 2021
I finally grew out some APE.....and WOW! I'm going for 'round 2 and will be cloning the best from this tub. Curious if anyone uses a special recipe for APE? Or just whatever? It'll be me first time cl... View More
I have questions! Grew some PESA strain. Went to the forest and took 3Gms, the most to date. On 2 -2.5 grams, I get visuals...a LOT of sacred geometry kind of things sometimes a blue lady in the sky i... View More
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Lucky charms
I get that crawling feeling sometimes on larger doses not all the time tho sounds like you were close to an out of body experience
Like July 14, 2020
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