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So I have an interesting boon that happened after taking dmt one time.
So me and my friends took 400ug of acid at the weekend (highest dose we've had)
And I had a bit of a tumultuous trip to say the lea... View More

A wee question.
I've done dmt a bunch of times now and seen some pretty wonderful things.
And had the juices of knowledge pimped into me until they have flicked the last drops at me xD
But what I'm wonde... View More

1 person likes this.
Sounds to me like you have broken through. If you're talking to machine elves and entities, that's the "through" you've broken. Some people don't completely lose touch with their body.
Like June 19, 2024
Hmm I thought it was like you can't make anymore and it takes you to a place where you have a body like a dream? Or is this just me not fully knowing
Like June 19, 2024
My breakthrough are not like other reports on the internet. nor do the entities look like machine elves. I think that every temple-head is different.
Like June 19, 2024
What you call reality? Is it what you feel or taste? What is different in a dream? Feeling that you csn move your 4th hand even you tought you dont have, touching with your 33th finger on your hands ur second nose which one is able to smell light! Its real as real can be. Idk machine elves but tons ... View More
Like June 19, 2024
Anyone from UK/Scotland want someone to trip with?
Looking for more people to trip with xD
I've done MDMA, shrooms, LSD, NN Dmt and most recent 5-Meo dmt.
Nearly each has helped me in one way or anothe... View More

Trip report
So I was on a night out and got a bit drunk. When I got home I made the silly decision to eat my entire mushroom chocolate bar (about 6g I think) tryed to play a bit of Minecraft but that ... View More

9 people like this.
I have had somewhat similar experiences. It’s what prompted me to start learning guitar and a few other instruments, trying to recreate these melodies that I’ve sometimes experienced. Do you play any instruments? If not I would highly recommend, it’s been one of the most cathartic things I’ve done.
Like May 17, 2024
I can hear the music of my soul sometimes when I trip, when I’m falling asleep, when I meditate. Mine often sounds similar to pipe organ music.
Like May 18, 2024
I don't play any instruments other than messing around on the mouth harp. I should learn to play some that I can put my soul into.
Like June 3, 2024
Anyone ever had DMT during a mushroom trip?
I'm curious and wondering if anyone here has done it?
3 people like this.
Some of my best experiences were low doses of mushrooms mix with lower dose of dmt.
Like April 10, 2024
Don't think I've done it on mushrooms, but my go to mix is DMT on acid. That is a life changing experience.
Like April 10, 2024
I wish I could get ahold of either... Then I could tell ya
Like April 15, 2024
I made a small story/ poem not long ago reflecting my psychedelic journey.
It's a bit long haha
What do you think?
Fun guys
I met some guys in fields of wavy grass, they liked to have fun.
They said we ... View More

4 people like this.
This was a good read, thank you for sharing it with us.
Like January 19, 2024
Anyone else had a dmt trip and came back with the knowledge that when we die it's not the end?
I've just had my second successful dmt trip, I have no idea if I "broke through" but I did experience mul... View More

10 people like this.
Dmt is beautiful man
Like January 20, 2024
I've had a nde and I saw death isn't the end. In fact I think it's actually a collective karma we must break.
Like January 20, 2024
I think there may be a Pdf in group. Not sure, but there is a ton of T. McKenna and other good stuff there.
Like January 21, 2024
This guy explains it better than I could rn. And more. Ignore the thumbnail title, the information is about the other side. https://youtu.be/JOF_1O93inM?si=U2fbqdhCog9j3m_Z
Like January 21, 2024 Edited
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