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So I did cybs a/b with salting. Didn't realize stb is better for smoking (still new/learning) is it still ok to smoke?
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So I guess that would be non polar... Lol
Like March 24, 2023
So as from what I've read salt is just better for say ayuhasca Brews? Any other benefits? Also was wondering if mhrb and acia have similar yields? One superior to the other? Same end results?
Like March 24, 2023
Freebase is for smoking. Salt forms are for oral, iv, rectal or nasal ROA. Acacia and MHRB have similar yeilds. Results are similar but subjectively different.
Like March 24, 2023
Ok that's what I thought. So I guess snorting works because it passes the blood brain barrier and bypasses the liver?. Thanks I'll stick to straight to base then. Altho Iv seen salt is better for storing. I'd imagine you could turn it to freebase later on? Sorry lots of questions. Just so much read... View More
Like March 24, 2023