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Never tried mescaline, curious and been on the bucket list. I can get San Pedro skin @2$/g. Curious what rough yield is. I know 1-3% for deems, is it similar? Curious to how much skin I should order
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So I had a really rough week last week and probably should of waited, but I got this kit which wasn't quite what I was expecting..I ended up missing the wrong bags together so just said fuck it and th... View More
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Typically when doing tubs you want it to be flat and level. If there is no contams it will still fruit just need to increase the fresh air exchange. Misting 1 or 2 times daily depending on ratios
So a friend of mine got raided, he was into some heavy stuff which I am not, but it kind of made me re evaluate some things, specifically the what if it was me. I'm not into the same stuff and keep pr... View More
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You have gotten some good advice and seem to have put things into perspective.
One should however always remember that LE .... Just like the rest of humanity ..... Are lazy and therefore tend to go after low hanging fruit......
So, as long as your smart, conservative and don't run your mouth to ot... View More
Joey green, completely agree, and having gone through articles for the last few months this has been one long ongoing thing. And I'm not a part of that scene, and wish to keep it that way. Everything I have is natural, and tane and iso I get from local store which isn't enough for a mass quantity th... View More
September 21, 2024
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After a much needed break (almost a year) and freaking myself out going on a 2 hour trip with a pen which eventually got to be to much and has the jesters before I got stuck in a loop. It has been cal... View More