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Male. Lives in Lexington, Kentucky, United States. Born on March 16, 2003. Is single.
About Me
A spiritual being on the journey of life… always looking for others to connect with in kentucky.
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Status Update

What’s y’all’s favorite smoking device for the deems?( budget is under 100)
1 person likes this.
I'm 100% in agreement with Makawee-Maka; Emesh is the way, 1 hit breakthrough 100% of the time and very efficient use of the spice, must measure your dose though otherwise you may find yourself in an uncomfortable place. I also have the Yocan Evolve XL and the motar attachment, neither can hold a ca... View More
Like June 15, 2023
Like June 15, 2023
YoCan Rex works wonders.
Like June 16, 2023
Try to get an used Mighty. It’s better for me than the Volcano or a crack pipe
Like June 17, 2023