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Angel Sn0t
I always think I’m dead is this normal for someone who’s used psychedelics heavily?
Idk, I’m not really bothered either way ????????
5 people like this.
very nice summary
Like May 15, 2023
I have the death thing all the time. I get excited about it these days. Stuff usually gets super interesting directly after I let go and die .
Like May 15, 2023
It’s normal to an extent. Make sure you are integrating what you learn with your life. Take it in. Death isn’t the end and until you open yourself to that idea you may feel dead sometimes or not sure if your still alive. Life is an illusion. So is Death. You are an eternal being. We are much more th... View More
Like May 16, 2023
I have had this feeling so many times, mostly while on heavy doses on mushrooms. I once had a trip that I felt like I died and no one told me and I was rather upset with my close friends because they didn’t tell me haha. I was not upset I died I was upset bc I didn’t know lmao. Either way make sure... View More
Like May 16, 2023
Angel Sn0t
shared a few photos
Some recent selfies of myself
Angel Sn0t
Saw a giant Octopus in my room last night smoking a pipe ? ????
21 people like this.
It didnt happen to have Electrical tentacles made of wires did it? With the face of Uncle Fester??
Like May 15, 2023
Angel Sn0t
No but I can relate. I’m terrified of stacks of wires and recently I got stuck in a sack of them
Like May 15, 2023
Angel Sn0t
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