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I have used the box, after smoking a few days prior (this was years ago), so I couldn't tell you exactly how many. I passed my hair test. Also I don't smoke very often, as munchies aren't good for my body type..and the coughing forces me to cross my legs so I don't pee myself. So not sure, if I'm t... View More
November 5, 2020

Alright thank you! Im a light smoker to but igot off the phone with the company an they said thelly push my orientation date back for me so i can pass. Ill still have it in reach tho!
November 5, 2020
Ive been looking around the web to see hkw can I mix my dmt with eliquid. This the mod i will be using but do anyone have any experience doing that can give me any tips??
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Wattage depends on the tank and the coil you're running. I just use a melo 2 tank at 40 watts in power mode. Mixed 3g in 4ml of 50/50
Haven't really taken any kind of decent blast off it, so I can't comment on how hard it hits. Though if it produces vapor like the 70/30 juice, I figure I should get ... View More
November 3, 2020
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